About Patti

I was born with a book in my hand.

As a toddler, my mom (or dad) read to me every night, sometimes the same book so many times that I memorized the text and corrected them if they deviated from the printed page.



In elementary school, I would read myself to sleep. If the heroes or heroines were in too much trouble for me to let them handle their predicaments alone, I would turn off the bedlamp, pretend to be asleep when my parents came to check on me, then read under the covers with a flashlight. If mom or dad got wise to my attempted skullduggery, they took the flashlight away. I just read by moonlight. That may account for my needing glasses at an early age.

I was a card-carrying member of the local library and when mom couldn’t find me in the neighborhood, she knew exactly where I’d be.

As a high school and college student, I rejoiced in reading every single work of fiction the instructors suggested. The world of the classics and foreign literature expanded my horizons in ways that charted my future. I vowed that after college, I would travel the planet to visit the places I had read about. And I have.

When not reading, or writing about the fabulous books I have discovered, I write a blog in the voice of Homicide Detective Charlie Kerrian. Follow his adventures at www.kerriansnotebook.com

I am a transplanted metropolitan New Yorker/north Texan, now living in the piney state of North Carolina. I am surrounded by books (the iPad is in the pile) and the airport is an hour away when I am ready to explore the physical worlds described in the paper/digital ones.

You can contact me on Facebook (facebook.com/paphillips20) and Twitter (@pattiphillips) or reach me by email at patti.nightstandbookreviews@gmail.com.


Happy reading!



Proud member of MWA




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