Nightstand Book Reviews is a site devoted to reviews of books that are great reads. Under this umbrella are books written by bestselling authors as well as by debut novelists in both ebook and paper format. Some are traditionally published authors and some are indies.
I have been asked why I never rant (in a bad way) about a book on NBR. This is a review site for recommendations, not bashing. I’m always on the lookout for an entertaining read. I hope you are as well. 🙂
What you will find here: Reviews of books in several different genres, including thrillers, mysteries, adventures, romantic suspense, Christian fiction, cozies, women’s fiction, as well as the occasional notable non-fiction titles – and any combination of those areas of interest. The occasional sci-fi, fantasy, or historical novel may appear, but usually when written within the genres mentioned above.
The subscribers and I pay attention to various Awards bestowed in the world of books, so many Award results will be posted throughout the year and will remain on the site for the current and following year. (Please note: Awards followed by NBR and presented in 2023 can be found here, but those presented in 2019 or before, might not. This is a security measure.)
What you will not see here: Reviews of children’s books, unless written by guest reviewers. In addition, I do not review horror, graphic, or erotica novels.
A note to authors and publicists: I carefully select and purchase ALL the books I review. I am closed to new projects.
I find new (to me) authors via:
- subscriber recommendations
- reviewed-by-me author recommendations
- group writer blogs
- social media – primarily Twitter & Facebook specialty groups
- writer conferences, book signings, and retreats
A note to readers: My views are my own. I have purchased all the books reviewed on this site, whether in ebook or paper format (sometimes both). I have not received monetary compensation for any of the book reviews. I have, however, received thank-you emails, rave tweets, and cyberhugs.
At the end of 2024, the Nightstand Book Reviews site will shut down. Please join us at for fun, facts and a few dead bodies. We focus on crime, share info about novels of mystery and suspense, conduct quarterly book drawings, and feature the occasional recipe that the Kerrians find (and then re-create) during their travels.
*Photo by Patti Phillips